Университет торонто


  • How much does it cost to study at U of T?

    Your university fees consist of tuition, incidental and ancillary fees, and are based on several factors. In addition, you’ll want to consider other costs such as books, supplies, residence, transportation, food and other expenses.

  • How do I apply for Financial Aid?

    If you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, there are many sources of financial aid available to help you cover the costs of your University of Toronto education – from OSAP and other government aid, to assistance provided by the University. Explore your options.

    If you are an international applicant, you should find out about your home country’s financial aid programs to see if you qualify for assistance. The University of Toronto is a publicly-funded institution and because of that cannot offer financial aid to international students. Find out more about scholarships & awards for international students here.

  • I’m an international applicant, can I receive financial assistance from U of T?

    The University of Toronto is a publicly-funded institution and because of that cannot offer financial aid to international students. If you are an international applicant, you should find out about your home country’s financial aid programs to see if you qualify for assistance.

  • How do I apply for OSAP?

    Apply online at https://www.ontario.ca/osap

    Submit your OSAP application, then print and sign the consents and declaration pages – and any other required supporting documentation – and upload to your account on the OSAP website. If you are unable to upload your documents, you can submit by mail or in person to Enrolment Services, but this may lead to slower processing times.

    Follow the instructions provided to complete your online Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) with the National Student Loan Service Centre.

    If you are a returning applicant you may not need to submit any documentation.

    Find more details on our OSAP FAQ list.

  • How do I apply for Scholarships?

    Eligible high school students are automatically considered for a variety of admission scholarships when they apply to the University. There are also admissions scholarships that require a separate application, and others that require you to complete an awards profile.

    Note, however, that the value of scholarships is rarely sufficient to cover all costs the student will incur while attending University of Toronto.

    Find out more about Scholarships here.

  • How do I contact Enrolment Services?

    If you have any questions, get in touch:

    Enrolment Services
    University of Toronto
    172 St. George Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5R 0A3

    Location (the office is currently closed for in-person inquiries due to COVID-19):

    We are located on the west side of St. George Street, just north of the intersection of St. George Street and Bloor Street West. The closest subway stop is St. George Station.

    Telephone Inquiries:
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Please note that for the months of July and August our summer phone hours will be until 4:00 p.m. Regular phone hours will resume in September.

    Telephone: 416-978-2190

    Fax: 416-978-7022

    • Admission questions
    • Questions about Financial aid, including OSAP, UTAPS, and Part-Time Financial Assistance: osap.staff@utoronto.ca
    • Financial Aid for Canadian provinces outside Ontario, including submission of required documents for out of province financial aid: can.oop.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    • Financial Aid for United States Citizens, including US Federal Student Aid loan opportunities, private loans (non-government), Veteran Affairs certification requests for benefits & education tax credits: usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    • Awards/Scholarship questions


Schoenberg introduced his 1911 Theory of Harmony text with the words “I have learned this book from my students.”

At UofT Music we believe that the Teaching / Learning relationship is a powerful dialogue where enthusiasm meets experience and together we act in the service of musical creation, expression, and understanding.

We love teaching…and we’re still learning.

Our award-winningwork with undergraduates from day one. Our graduate students are mentored by outstanding professionals in their fields.

And we teach the next generation of great teachers through our Education and programs.


  • When do I need to apply?

    Find Important Application dates here.

  • What courses do students from outside of Canada need to apply to U of T?

  • Do I need to fill out a supplementary application or student profile?

  • How do I apply to U of T?

    Find out which application you should use, depending on whether you’re a current Ontario high school student, an applicant from another Canadian province or territory, an international applicant, or in another circumstance. Find out more here.

  • What English language requirements do I need to be accepted to U of T?

    Find out about U of T’s English Language Requirements and proof of English facility here.

  • If I’ve done Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate, will I be eligible for Transfer Credit?

    If you have completed college or university studies, AP, IB, GCE, CAPE, or French Bacc. examinations you may be eligible for transfer credit at the University of Toronto. Transfer credits are assessed after admission.

    Find out more about transfer credit at U of T.

  • I’ve applied to study at U of T, but I want to change my college selection or program choices. How can I make changes to my application?

    All changes to your application should be made before the application deadline.

    If you have applied on a 101 or 105 application and wish to make changes to your initial application, you must do this by logging in to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre website (www.ouac.on.ca).

    All other applicants (International/Internal/Part-Time/Non-Degree) should log onto Join U of T, click on Check Status, and follow the instructions for making changes to your application.

  • How do I contact Enrolment Services?

    Telephone: 416-978-2190
    Telephone inquiries are answered on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.Please note that for the months of July and August our summer phone hours will be until 4:00 p.m. Regular phone hours will resume in September.Where follow up appointments are necessary these will be held by phone.

    Admissions: apply.adm.utoronto.ca/register/questions
    Ask a Student: apply.adm.utoronto.ca/register/askastudent

    Financial aid, including OSAP, UTAPS, and Part-Time Financial Assistance: osap.staff@utoronto.ca
    Financial Aid including Canadian provinces outside Ontario, including submission of required documents for out of province financial aid: can.oop.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    Financial Aid for United States Citizens, including US Federal Student Aid loan opportunities, private loans (non-government), Veteran Affairs certification requests for benefits & education tax credits: usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca

    Your feedback is important to us. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know how we did by completing our Enrolment Services Satisfaction Survey

  • How can I defer my offer of admission?

    If you are unable to begin your degree studies this fall, you may request a one-year deferral of your offer of admission. Deferrals are not guaranteed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Deferral requests that are approved will include deferral of eligible entrance scholarship(s) awarded – check the terms of your award for conditions & eligibility – and the residence guarantee, if applicable. Ensure you have satisfied the conditions of your offer and paid the admission deposit (if required). Deferral applications will be available beginning in July. Please note that offers to non-degree studies and the International Foundations Program are not eligible for deferral.

  • When will I hear from the university after I submit my application?

    You will receive an acknowledgment from U of T, with login instructions for our applicant website, about two weeks after you submit your application.

Description of University of Toronto

Universities related to University of Toronto
Universities in this city

Showing 1-5 of 21 items.

Title Bachelor Master
516 22 York University 16,983 USD 19,298 USD
811 26 Ryerson University 23,000 USD 20,000 USD
1064 30 Humber College
1089 33 Centennial College
1173 37 George Brown College

Universities in this country

Showing 1-5 of 352 items.

Title City Bachelor Master
34 2 McGill University Montreal 27,390 USD 7,563 USD
35 3 The University of British Columbia Vancouver 21,737 USD 5,898 USD
97 4 University of Alberta Edmonton 18,190 USD 18,190 USD
108 5 University of Montreal Montreal 9,175 USD 12,500 USD
116 6 McMaster University Hamilton 17,346 USD 17,346 USD

Список университетов в Торонто

Показаны записи 1-10 из 22.

Название Бакалавр Магистр
21 1 Торонтский университет 33,980 USD 33,980 USD
516 22 York University 16,983 USD 19,298 USD
811 26 Ryerson University 23,000 USD 20,000 USD
1064 30 Humber College
1089 33 Centennial College
1173 37 George Brown College
75 OCAD University 20,000 USD 20,000 USD
133 Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences
161 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
164 Tyndale College & Seminary

В Торонто расположились около 30 крупных колледжей и вузов. Университет Райерсона (Ryerson University) известен своей сильной подготовкой на гуманитарных факультетах. Йоркский Университет (York University) — участник Канадской космической программы, известен разработками в области освоения Марса, а также достижениями в инженерии, праве, бизнес-технологиях, биологии. Самый известный вуз города и региона, один из старейших высших учебных заведений Канады — Торонтский Университет (University of Toronto) славится революционными открытиями в самых разных областях. При университетах и колледжах города организованы языковые курсы.

University of Toronto Fees

U of T finalizes tuition fees for each academic year in the spring. In addition to tuition fees, students are also required to pay Incidental, Ancillary, and System Access Fees. The incidental fee is charged for student societies, campus-based services, athletics and recreation facilities, and student health and dental plans while the ancillary fee contributes to field-trip costs, special equipment provided for coursework, and administrative costs.

The amount mentioned below is the fee finalized for full-time undergraduate courses:

Course Cost per year (in CAD)
Bachelor of Applied Science & Engineering 61,000
Bachelor of Arts, Architectural & Visual Studies 56,000
Bachelor of Arts & Science 55,000 – 57,000 (Varies with College)
Bachelor of Physical Education/Health or KInesiology 38,000
Juris Doctor (Law) 54,000
Bachelor in Music 39,000
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 57,000

Following are the fees (including tuition, incident, and ancillary fees) charged for various graduate programs offered by the University of Toronto:

Справка о вузе

Университет Торонто обладает одной из сильнейших исследовательских и учебных баз в Северной Америке и выпускает студентов всех уровней образования. Ни одно другое учебное заведение Канады не может сравниться с университетом Торонто по глубине полученных знаний и широте охваченных областей, что делает интеллектуальную среду, в которую погружены учащиеся, поистине уникальной. Этот вуз по праву снискал мировую славу и признан всеми престижными рейтингами лучшим университетом Канады.

Университет Торонто также знаменит тем, что выпустил самое большое количество Нобелевских лауреатов в Канаде. Именно в его стенах было сделано несколько громких мировых открытий, таких как получение инсулина, изобретение электрического кардиостимулятора и выявление гена, ответственного за более тяжелое развитие болезни Альцгеймера.

Университет Торонто содержит превосходную библиотеку — вторую по величине и четвёртую в рейтинге исследовательских и научных баз в Северной Америке. Фонд библиотеки составляют около 15 миллионов томов, которые хранятся на территории трёх студенческих городков.

Университет Торонто был основан как Королевский колледж в 1827 году и со временем превратился в большой и разветвлённый образовательный центр. Сегодня он имеет три студенческих городка и включает в себя несколько колледжей и институтов. Также в Торонто насчитывается десять полностью подведомственных вузу больниц, где проходят обучение студенты-медики. Университет курирует научные исследования не только по всей Канаде, но и в других странах. По количеству студентов, сотрудников и предлагаемых программ обучения он превосходит любое другое образовательное учреждение Канады. Вуз имеет все необходимые лаборатории и средства для проведения научных изысканий. Университетское издательство – The University of Toronto Press Inc. – является ведущим учреждением подобного рода в Канаде и одним из наиболее значимых научных издательств в Северной Америке.

Выпускники университета Торонто достигли значительных успехов на многих поприщах. В их число входят генерал-губернаторы Канады Винсент Мэсси и Адриен Кларксон, премьер-министры Уильям Лайон Макензи Кинг, Артур Мейен, Лестер Пирсон и Пол Мартин, а также 14 судей Верховного суда, президент Латвии Вайра Вике-Фрейберга, премьер-министр КНР Лю Чао Шуан, президент республики Тринидад и Тобаго Нур Хассанали.

В перечень знаменитых выпускников современности входят также Джон Полани, получивший нобелевскую премию по химии в 1986 году за вклад в развитие исследований динамики элементарных химических процессов, Питер Сент-Джордж-Хислоп, глава исследовательской группы, открывший два гена, ответственных за раннее развитие болезни Альцгеймера и Так Вах Мак, генетик, клонировавший рецепторы Т-лимфоцитов, которые составляют основу иммунной системы человека.

По версии издания «Таймс высшее образование» (2014-2015 гг.) университет Toronto находится на 20-ом месте в мире и 1-ом месте в Канаде; в мировом рейтинге QS World University Rankings (2014 г.) он также занимает двадцатую строчку. В Академическом рейтинге университетов мира – на 24-ом месте в мире и 1-ом в Канаде (версия 2014 г.).

  • Год основания
  • Число студентов

Books, Computers and Supplies

You’ll need to factor into your budget the cost of books, electronic equipment and other educational supplies. The amount you’ll pay for these depends on several factors, and will probably vary year-to-year – for example, you’ll spend more if you need to purchase a computer in a given year. When it comes to course textbooks, you might want to consider alternatives like e-books, textbook rentals or used books to help reduce costs.

You might want to budget at least $1,000 per year on books, and additional amounts for a computer or other equipment, depending on your preferences and program needs.

University of Toronto Undergraduate Admission

The recommended application deadline for international students for full-time undergraduate programs at U of T, applying through OUAC, will be November 7. The seats might not be available until the final deadlines mentioned in the below table. Therefore, early applications are advised. When applying through the university website, the deadlines for international students are:

Field/Program Application Deadline Document Submission Deadline
Applied Science and Engineering January 15 February 1
Architecture, Landscape, and Design January 10 February 1
Faculty of Arts and Science, U of T St. George January 15  February 1
Bachelor of Information April 30  May 15 
Kinesiology & Physical Education January 15  February 1
Music (incl. International Foundation Program) January 15 February 1
Medical Radiation Sciences February 1 February 15
Nursing January 15 February 1
Physician Assistant January 15 February 3
U of T Mississauga January 15  February 1 
U of T Scarborough January 15  February 1

Graduate programs at University of Toronto have different admission requirements and therefore students are suggested to visit the website to find application deadlines for the various programs offered at the university.

UToronto Undergraduate Admission Requirements

U of T offers 700+ undergraduate programs in various fields of study. Around 24% of the total undergraduate enrollment is international students. All the applicants are advised to complete their applications on time and provide all the required documents by the deadlines.

Application Fee- 180 CAD

Admission Requirements- The general admission requirements include:

  • Completed application form
  • All academic transcripts from high school/ senior secondary levels
  • Completed senior-level or grade 12 level course
  • English Language Requirements- TOEFL/ IELTS/ Cambridge C1 or C2/ CAEL, etc.
  • Self-reported grades form
  • Standardized test scores to study in Canada

Academic Requirements- Due to the strength and size of the applicant pool at the University of Toronto, the university does not have any a pre-set cut-off averages. The applications are reviewed considering the other criteria as well.  As per the previous applicants, the average grades that are considered competitive for a few popular programs at the university are mentioned in the below table:

Program Average Grades(%)
Management 85
Humanities 80-85
Social Science 80-85
Life Sciences 85-89
Physical and Mathematical Sciences 85-89
Engineering 90
Commerce 90-95
Computer Science 95

Country-Specific Academic Requirements for UToronto

U of T provides the equivalent of the academic qualification of a student who has completed his/ her high school outside of Canada. Some of the minimum admission requirements according to the relevant country has been given in the table below:

Country Academic Requirement
Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate
Bhutan Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate
India All India Senior School Certificate (awarded by CBSE), or Indian School Certificate (awarded by CISCE), or
Year 12 State Board Exams with excellent results will also be considered on an individual basis.
Nepal Higher Secondary Certificate at Grade 12 Level
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan GCE Advanced Levels in 3 subjects

English Language Requirements for UToronto

Non-native English speakers are supposed to provide the university with English Proficiency Scores. U of T accepts a number of English language proficiency scores. Students are required to provide the university with one of the test scores to be considered for admission.

Оснащение кампуса

В университете есть три кампуса и две площадки, где проводятся только исследования.

  • Кампус Сент-Джордж (центр Торонто), 52 296 студентов
  • Кампус Университета Торонто в Скарборо, 10 465 студентов
  • Кампус Университета Торонто в Миссиссаге, 10924 студента
  • Институт аэрокосмических исследований на северо-западе Торонто
  • Научный заповедник Коффлер в Джокерс-Хилл, Кинг-Тауншип

Самый большой университетский кампус расположен примерно в 2 км к северу от финансового района в центре Торонто и к югу от районов Йорквилл и популярного студенческого жилого района The Annex. Кампус занимает 71 акр и граничит с Бэй-стрит, Блур-стрит, Спадина-авеню и Колледж-стрит. Куинс-парк , который является частью университета и является домом для здания парламента Онтарио и других исторических зданий, расположен на территории кампуса . Университетский кампус с его зелеными насаждениями контрастирует с центром Торонто. Многие торжества проходят на Юниверсити-авеню, которая проходит от Королевского парка до Фронт-стрит . Станции метро Торонто Spadina, St. George, Museum, Bay и Queen’s Park находятся в непосредственной близости.

Архитектура зданий, расположенных в восточной и центральной части кампуса, построенных между и 1929 годами , представляет собой сочетание романского стиля и неоготики . Традиционное сердце университета, Front Campus, расположено в центре кампуса, в окружении большой зеленой зоны, известной как King’s College Circle. Центральным элементом является главное здание университета на территории кампуса. Он был построен в нормандском стиле в 1857 году . В 1968 году здание было передано на охрану . Зал созыва, построенный в 1907 году, известен своей купольной крышей и ионическим орденом . В этом зале проходят различные мероприятия и выпускные церемонии. Здания из песчаника Нокс-колледжа олицетворяют североамериканскую разновидность неоготики.

После Второй мировой войны на западе кампуса было построено несколько зданий в более современном международном стиле. В основном это лаборатории и административные помещения. Наиболее ярким примером трансформации архитектуры в брутализм является массивное здание Библиотечного комплекса Робартс , построенное в 1972 году и открытое в 1973 году.


  • How much does it cost to study at U of T?

    Your university fees consist of tuition, incidental and ancillary fees, and are based on several factors. In addition, you’ll want to consider other costs such as books, supplies, residence, transportation, food and other expenses.

  • How do I apply for Financial Aid?

    If you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, there are many sources of financial aid available to help you cover the costs of your University of Toronto education – from OSAP and other government aid, to assistance provided by the University. Explore your options.

    If you are an international applicant, you should find out about your home country’s financial aid programs to see if you qualify for assistance. The University of Toronto is a publicly-funded institution and because of that cannot offer financial aid to international students. Find out more about scholarships & awards for international students here.

  • I’m an international applicant, can I receive financial assistance from U of T?

    The University of Toronto is a publicly-funded institution and because of that cannot offer financial aid to international students. If you are an international applicant, you should find out about your home country’s financial aid programs to see if you qualify for assistance.

  • How do I apply for OSAP?

    Apply online at https://www.ontario.ca/osap

    Submit your OSAP application, then print and sign the consents and declaration pages – and any other required supporting documentation – and upload to your account on the OSAP website. If you are unable to upload your documents, you can submit by mail or in person to Enrolment Services, but this may lead to slower processing times.

    Follow the instructions provided to complete your online Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) with the National Student Loan Service Centre.

    If you are a returning applicant you may not need to submit any documentation.

    Find more details on our OSAP FAQ list.

  • How do I apply for Scholarships?

    Eligible high school students are automatically considered for a variety of admission scholarships when they apply to the University. There are also admissions scholarships that require a separate application, and others that require you to complete an awards profile.

    Note, however, that the value of scholarships is rarely sufficient to cover all costs the student will incur while attending University of Toronto.

    Find out more about Scholarships here.

  • How do I contact Enrolment Services?

    If you have any questions, get in touch:

    Enrolment Services
    University of Toronto
    172 St. George Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5R 0A3

    Location (the office is currently closed for in-person inquiries due to COVID-19):

    We are located on the west side of St. George Street, just north of the intersection of St. George Street and Bloor Street West. The closest subway stop is St. George Station.

    Telephone Inquiries:
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Please note that for the months of July and August our summer phone hours will be until 4:00 p.m. Regular phone hours will resume in September.

    Telephone: 416-978-2190

    Fax: 416-978-7022

    • Admission questions
    • Questions about Financial aid, including OSAP, UTAPS, and Part-Time Financial Assistance: osap.staff@utoronto.ca
    • Financial Aid for Canadian provinces outside Ontario, including submission of required documents for out of province financial aid: can.oop.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    • Financial Aid for United States Citizens, including US Federal Student Aid loan opportunities, private loans (non-government), Veteran Affairs certification requests for benefits & education tax credits: usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    • Awards/Scholarship questions


  • When do I need to apply?

    Find Important Application dates here.

  • What courses do students from outside of Canada need to apply to U of T?

    Find out about academic requirements for applicants from outside Canada here.

  • Do I need to fill out a supplementary application or student profile?

  • How do I apply to U of T?

    Find out which application you should use, depending on whether you’re a current Ontario high school student, an applicant from another Canadian province or territory, an international applicant, or in another circumstance. Find out more here.

  • What English language requirements do I need to be accepted to U of T?

    Find out about U of T’s English Language Requirements and proof of English facility here.

  • If I’ve done Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate, will I be eligible for Transfer Credit?

    If you have completed college or university studies, AP, IB, GCE, CAPE, or French Baccalaureate examinations you may be eligible for transfer credit at the University of Toronto. Transfer credits are assessed after admission.

    Find out more about transfer credit at U of T.

  • I’ve applied to study at U of T, but I want to change my college selection or program choices. How can I make changes to my application?

    All changes to your application should be made before the application deadline.

    If you have applied on a 101 or 105 application and wish to make changes to your initial application, you must do this by logging in to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre website (www.ouac.on.ca).

    All other applicants (International/Internal/Part-Time/Non-Degree) should log onto Join U of T, click on Check Status, and follow the instructions for making changes to your application.

  • How do I contact Enrolment Services?

    Please note that Enrolment Services is currently closed to in-person enquiries due to COVID-19.

    If you have any questions, get in touch:

    Telephone Inquiries:
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Telephone: 416-978-2190

    Fax: 416-978-7022

    Mailing Address:

    Enrolment Services
    University of Toronto
    172 St. George Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5R 0A3

    Contact the following for assistance:

    Admission questions
    Financial aid, including OSAP, UTAPS, and Part-Time Financial Assistance: osap.staff@utoronto.ca
    Financial Aid including Canadian provinces outside Ontario, including submission of required documents for out of province financial aid: can.oop.financialaid@utoronto.ca
    Financial Aid for United States Citizens, including US Federal Student Aid loan opportunities, private loans (non-government), Veteran Affairs certification requests for benefits & education tax credits: usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca

  • How can I defer my offer of admission?

    If you decide to put your studies on hold, you may request a one-year deferral of your offer of admission. If granted, the deferral of admission will include a deferral of any entrance scholarship(s) awarded and the residence guarantee if applicable. Applicants who plan to attend another post-secondary institution will not be permitted to defer their admission. You’ll find instructions and the application form  .

  • When will I hear from the university after I submit my application?

    You will receive an acknowledgment from U of T, with login instructions for our applicant website, about two weeks after you submit your application.

International Foundation Рrogramme

Международная программа подготовки студентов – это уникальная возможность, сочетающая в себе условное зачисление в Университет Торонто и интенсивный курс английского языка. Она подходит студентам, чей уровень английского не соответствует вступительным требованиям Университета Торонто. Успешное окончание программы гарантирует зачисление на факультет гуманитарных и технических наук или на факультет прикладных наук и инженерии.

Поскольку группы маленькие, то внимание уделяется каждому студенту индивидуально, что позволяет сделать занятия более интенсивными и насыщенными. Студенты Программы подготовки живут в резиденции Нью Колледж, на территории кампуса Университета Торонто, по соседству со студентами этого учебного заведения

Программа IFP предназначена для студентов, которые:

  • хотят учиться в Университете Торонто;
  • заканчивают среднюю школу за пределами Канады или проучились в канадской системе средней школы менее 4 лет;
  • имеют превосходную успеваемость в старших классах средней школы на Родине;
  • удовлетворяют вступительным требованиям University of Toronto (за исключением требований к уровню английского языка) и вступительным требованиям IFP по английскому языку.

Кандидаты, которых приняли на Программу подготовки, заочно становятся студентами Университета Торонто.

Чтобы дальше продолжать обучение, необходимо успешно завершить обе части программы, и языковую, и курс, по окончании которого студенты сдают зачет. На протяжении программы будет проводиться оценивание, чтобы студенты знали свой уровень и знали, что надо «подтянуть», чтобы соответствовать вступительным требованиям.

Программа подготовки сочетает в себе курс интенсивного английского языка и курс предмета, преподаваемого в Университете. Такое сочетание позволяет студентам понять, что они будут изучать, став полноправными студентами Университета.

Подготовка по английскому языку на IFP поможет иностранным студентам раскрыть свой академический потенциал в полной мере. Занятия английским языком проводятся в группах до 20 человек. Используя материалы для чтения, лекции и задания академических курсов в качестве основного содержания курса, студенты фокусируются на трех широких категориях владения английским языком:

  • интерпретация информации, представленной письменными и устными средствами;
  • выражение собственных идей эффективно и убедительно;
  • обсуждение значения в небольших группах и консультациях с преподавателем.

Для зачисления на программу International Foundation Program нужно предоставить копию школьного аттестата, переведённую на английский язык и заверенную нотариально, сертификат IELTS с результатом не ниже 5.0 или TOEFL с результатом не ниже 69 (iBT), 193 (CBT) или 523 (PBT). Желательно предоставить также эссе и пару рекомендательных писем на английском.

Срок подачи заявлений на программу IFP

  • Отделение Applied Schience and Engineering — 1 февраля
  • Отделение Arts and Science — 1 марта
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